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Auto-Chef is a complete new kitchen system with all it’s cabinetry, sensors, motors and a set of robotic kitchen appliances. It is not an up gradation of existing conventional kitchen (dumb kitchen).


You cannot use any of the appliances or utensils that is not supplied as part of Auto-Chef. Each item including spatula and bottles are programmed for identification by robot and it’s software.

You will provide a vacant kitchen area of required dimension with electrical, water, drainage and exhaust outlet. Company engineers will do an inspection for readiness of kitchen area and then Auto-Chef will be brought into the kitchen.

Auto-Chef comes in assembled modules which is easy to plug and play. Company will instal the kitchen and provide on-site training to use the kitchen. It will take less than six hours to set up a big kitchen while Auto-Chef Mini could be set-up in less than an hour.

You can do manual or conventional cooking in this robotic kitchen but that’s not advised. Why would you cook when you have hundreds of five-star chefs dancing on your finger tips 24x7? The Auto-Chef kitchen works best when left alone. All you have to do is to garnish and decorate the dish with love before you serve.

You have to ensure that all required ingredients are in the dispenser boxes. If some ingredients are missing or deficient for a particular dish that has been ordered, Auto-Chef will issue an alert on ur mobile app and on control panel. You will have following choices to make:

  1. Ignore and cook without the ingredient. IGNORE AND CONTINUE”
  2. Refill the Dispenser box and select “CONTINUE”
  3. Keep the missing items in required quantity at the table station and select: “Pick From Manual Station.
  4. Or deselect the dish and choose another dish. Select “Choose Another Dish”. Auto-Chef May give options of dishes that are similar to the one deselected for you to choose from.

Presently, Auto-Chef are being powered by electricity. It is greener (less polluting) and almost 60% energy efficient than conventional gas-stove cooking. There are no open flames and therefore less fire hazard. We may come up with gas-cooking models at a future date.

If the electrical power fails during cooking, it will issue alert and resume cooking after power resumes. If the power failure is long then the food quality will degrade. Customers have the option of taking UPS power backup and have no cooking interruptions while electrical power fails.

Technical faults (Hardware or Software) can be tracked and diagnosed on-line by Fault Detection Control Centre. Most of software issues can be corrected online even before you have noticed them. Hardware issues will need engineer visit on-site.

We should be able to resolve these issues in 48 working hours for most of the complaints. However, depending upon location and requirements of spare parts, it could be longer.

Auto-Chef comes with two years of comprehensive warranty to repair/ replace defective parts which are related to manufacturing. Up to four visit per year is free of charge. Technician visit beyond four visits will be charged as per prevailing local rates. Warranty does not cover damages due to misuse or breakages. This warranty does not cover damages to electrical and electronics equipments which is due to water or liquid spillage. This warranty does not include regular consumption items.

The robotic arm, granite slab and wooden cabinetry comes with ten years warranty. For this long term warranty to be valid, customer has to ensure regular maintenance as per recommended schedule of maintenance.

Your Auto-Chef is only one of it’s kind in the world. It is evolving technology. Future modules may be completely different from the present ones. We will offer you best deal to upgrade to newer models. You could however, buy newer appliances and company may be able to integrate it into your kitchen if it is feasible.

After making the booking, you can cancel at anytime. Except for the booking amount, all deposited money will be refunded within fourteen of cancelling in writing.

The price applicable to you will not increase even if company revises the retail price. If you fail to take delivery or fail to make payments after being offered a delivery date, then the price escalation will become applicable to you. If you have been offered a discounted price and you fail to make payments as per agreed timeline, then discount offer will be removed and regular price will then be applicable.

  • Auto-Chef Has the Option To Connect To It’s Smart Dishwasher and Clean Dishes.
  • It cleans its working platform and area after cooking.
  • It has option to include UV Light Disinfection System.

The discount offered may be carried forward if you were to upgrade your order model. However, if you downgraded your kitchen model, then discount offer may be reduced.

You can earn money from Auto-Chef by two ways:

  1. Earn Through Referral Sales
  2. Monetize Your Recipe.
  3. Use it as Commercial Food Kitchen.


You can connect your Auto-Chef to any on-line food-order platforms and serve these orders without hiring any chef. It can run 24x7 and accept orders without your active involvement.


Yes. You can. It has all compliance certification as kitchen equipment. Local commercial legalities will have to be fulfilled by you.

It is an evolving technology. The hardware including robot has a life expectancy of ten years. Software will be supported during this period.

Depending upon your consumption pattern, you will need to refill dispensers of dry rations once a fortnight. It will not take more than two hours of your time. Fresh items like meal, dairy and vegetables may need daily or weekly involvement to keep them in chiller or fresh item cabinet.

If you can order food on-line or buy your stuff on Amazon, then you can cook your meals without much of training. Click here for our training videos.

Your Auto-Chef is provided with Collaborative Robots which means they are certified to work with human beings without the need for physical partition. They stop when collision detection occurs. They are certified safe to be deployed with human beings. However, our operating procedure prohibits human movement in kitchen operating areas when Auto-Chef is powered. The safety gate must be locked closed and no motion detected in the operating area for the Auto-Chef to be powered.

Power consumption varies as per model and cooking cycle for each dish. It would be safe to assume that it will consume lesser electrical power than a 2Ton Window AC.

It can cook perfectly in absolute darkness. However, you may have the kitchen lighted if you want to watch your kitchen cooking from a remote location.

It has limited recipes saved in the local server. You can download and save your favorite recipes from online ecosystem. Auto-Chef also comes with thirty to fifty pre-loaded recipes. You can over-write these pre-loaded recipes with your favorite dishes.

Auto-Chef downloads from millions recipes which live on the cloud. Once the recipe has been downloaded on local server, it can cook even without internet or WiFi connectivity. When not connected to internet, the Control Center will not be able to track faults and the overall experience will be compromised.

You can call  24x7 Customer Care Centre or email or message giving details of your concerns. Most fault diagnosis will be done online unless there is a faulty hardware component.

You can power down the system except the chiller and refrigerator. Before restarting, make sure that all dispensers all food items which is within expiry date.

If you filled the expiry date while refilling the ingredients, System will track and alert you when approaching the expiry date. Auto-Chef will not dispense ingredients which have crossed their expiry dates.

Auto-Chef mobile application can track your nutritional intake accurately. It can store your daily, weekly, monthly or even annually nutritional intake. It can also advise you deficient nutritional components in your diet and suggest dishes that will make a balance diet for you.

Yes, you can. But you can do much more that this. Your Auto-Chef is connected to a team of  world’s best dietician. You can schedule a free consultation with them online. Dietician team will take a note of your nutritional goals and preference of food. Then, they will make your weekly diet plan and upload to your kitchen dash-board. Your Auto-Chef will generate a grocery-buy list and order on-line at best possible price.

Diet Chart can be uploaded for every individual of the family separately. And it can manage all these without you even going to the grocery store.

LoL.. Yes, it can if you authorize it to make payments. It learns your consumption pattern of food items. It knows quantity of stored items. It can issue alerts when quantity reaches low levels and order online or send a message to you for purchase. It follows your instructions.

Being an intelligent robot, your kitchen can browse all on-line deals and bid for the best price for your preferred brand. You don’t need to buy monthly grocery because it can order as per  weekly needs. This will economize grocery purchase and reduce the cost of inventory held in the household kitchen.

No. All warranty and guarantee terms along with safety / hazard protocol is based on the assumption that the kitchen and all its accessories are being used for cooking in the manner which is prescribed in the training videos and any other way will not be covered under warranty terms. Company takes no responsibility of damage or hurt/ injury or grievous hurt if the equipment is not being used as per the operating manual or training videos.

It is not advisable to move this kitchen after installation except for Auto-Chef Mini. However, if you must move your kitchen to new location, you have to inform the company. Company engineers will inspect new location and its suitability for Auto-Chef. You will have to bear the cost of dismantling, packing, logistics and re-installation. The charges for these could be in excess of $2400 plus the transportation cost. These charges could change with time and city.

Your Operation Manual has all the technical information in it. It also has Standard Operating Procedure. There are Training videos that teach you safe way to operate this system.

You can demonstrate the Auto-Chef amongst your friends, families and colleagues. May be throw a party and let them see a real smart kitchen. Every five sales that you make through your referral system, you will earn 50% of the value of average net price of one kitchen. You can also set up your kitchen in any mall or housing society to make your sales pitch to your target customers. You cannot promise anything more than what company offers as features or benefit or warranty etc. Learn More About Referral Sales.

First one thousand fully paid customers are eligible to become our Brand Ambassador (BA). As Brand Ambassador, you will earn minimum of Rs 10 Lacs on every five referral sales you make. You could higher if the average price of kitchen sold exceeds Rs 20L (Taxes not included.). BA get all upgrades for free for first three years. They are invited at promo-events. They are given gifts and recognition as important functionaries of our company. Learn More About Brand Ambassador Program.

Auto-Chef cooks faster than average chef. The actual time taken to cook really doesn’t matter. You can plan food readiness time and select your meal menu. It will start cooking such that the  food is ready at your desired readiness time.

Taste of the food is mostly dependent upon right mixing ratio of the ingredients, heat gradient & pressure over a specified time. Auto-Chef can dispense exact quantity to the accuracy of 0.1 gms, maintain heat and pressure to accurate digits of specified time. The cooking taste can be stabilized to the highest degree possible with the variation of the quality of ingredients.

Growing children need delicious and nutritious diet with a lot of variation. Auto-Chef can provide world cuisine with mind boggling variations and taste juggling that kids will love it. Moreover, children will tweak the menu to their taste and cook for themselves. They would love what they cook and eat without much of fuss.

Dish washer comes as an option on few models while it comes included on Royale models. It will be able to clean all accessories that it has used even without dishwasher integration. The cooking pot will need to be washed after food has been consumed and then kept at its designated place.

Yes. After cooking, it will mop its working platform and clean its area.

No. You don’t need to be in the house or in the city while you can be cooking in your kitchen. You need to be connected through internet or WiFi and your mobile application will be able to transmit all commands. You can also view the cooking on your phone screen.

Lol.. Yes, if your employer has no objection to your taking time off for two minutes to order your kitchen to cook.

Yes. You have emergency stop button on the mobile application and at the control panel in the kitchen. By pressing it, all operations will stop immediately.

Auto-Chef comes with smoke and heat sensors in the closed electrical areas where fire hazard needs to be monitored. The kitchen overall heat sensor will also activate alarm to attract your attention. You can then stop all cooking and take appropriate fire fighting measures.

Pre-loaded recipes can be modified or customized for personal taste preference. You can also exclude all allergens from your recipe.

Yes, you can. You can apply all personal taste preferences and save it as default settings for you by name. Thereafter, any recipe you download will be intelligently customized for your taste and personal liking.

In Recipe Builder, you have the option to cook dishes by selecting PRE-LOADED RECIPES. Recipes are already prepared and you have to only select portion or quantity and personalize taste by selecting spicy or salt etc. Then, you can order it to COOK.

In CREATE YOUR OWN RECIPE section, you will name your dish and write ingredients with their quantity and sequence of cooking procedure. You will decide the cooking heat and amount of time that it needs to be cooked. Then, software will check for programming or sequencing errors. If passed (all green) then you can order it to SAVE And COOK.

After the dish is ready and you liked it, you can UPLOAD it on the eRecipe System. You can make it public or keep it private (restricted access for members only). Others can now see it and use it as pre-loaded recipe. This recipe will be tagged with your name as its creator.